- #Pokemon card game asobikata ds english patch pdf#
- #Pokemon card game asobikata ds english patch update#
- #Pokemon card game asobikata ds english patch Patch#
- #Pokemon card game asobikata ds english patch upgrade#
#Pokemon card game asobikata ds english patch upgrade#
But based on previous discussions conducted on the forum, I'm inclined to believing that most would rather have no animations over 1 second animations (although to give your idea some credit, 1 second flat aimations would still be an upgrade from the current 2-4 second animations). I could be completely wrong on what the "majority/popular" thought is on animations. But you just can't please everyone, so in the end it comes to a cold calculation of cost/time efficiency and of what pleases the majority of people rather than only a few. It would take almost no effort compared to making new animations, and it would earn them the praise of a lot of the old timers that have sticked around this game for years.Ĭan't deny some people would be upset about the removal of animations (and they'd have all the right to be upset over it).
Honestly, if they wanted to get some easy positive feedback, all they'd have to do is remove animations and call it a day. Some people might like them, but most people will just criticize them and demand a revert (again). Simply put, new animations would be a job with no pay. People generally prefer boring but safe over new and potentially garbage. I can't say I've seen anyone say they liked them (although I might be tempting fate by saying this).
#Pokemon card game asobikata ds english patch Patch#
Look at how the (comparatively) small changes done in the previous patch were received. The fact is that the community just doesn't like random visual changes. But if I had posted this exact same sentence back when it happened I would have ended up with 30 downvotes in less than 30 minutes. I have to admit that the curren UI looks a lot nicer and polished than the old one (based on videos I've seen never got to play before the update). I've posted this in a few other threads, but in the major visual overhaul some 3 or so years back, the reaction of the community was overwhelmingly negative. Plus, doing any sort of visual change at all is a risky endeavor for the devs. But even if the potential new animations only took 1 second by the clock, many players would still rather do away with the animations altogether.
Time consumption is the main concern when it comes to animations, yes.
#Pokemon card game asobikata ds english patch update#
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#Pokemon card game asobikata ds english patch pdf#
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